The story of Diamond Comic Distributors begins with our founder, President & CEO Steve Geppi and his love for comic books, a passion that began when Steve was growing up in Baltimore’s Little Italy neighborhood, working odd jobs to earn the 10¢ it took to buy 32 pages of glorious comic book stories and art.
As a young husband and father, Steve bought and sold comics on the weekend to supplement his income as a U.S. postal carrier. He opened his first comic shop in 1974 and founded Diamond in 1982 with a single warehouse and 17 retail customers.
From the beginning, Steve’s approach to distribution was simple: treat your suppliers well so you can offer great products at a fair price, and never stop striving to provide the best possible service to your customers.
What started with one man’s passion and hard work has evolved into the Diamond of today, a global distribution network with over 500 employees serving thousands of specialty retailers with the latest and greatest in comic books, graphic novels, toys, and related pop-culture merchandise.